Andre Norton
Completed 10/8/2013, Reviewed 10/8/2013
3 stars
My mother-in-law is a huge Andre Norton fan. She’s living with us now, and because of our
tight living quarters, a lot of her and our stuff is in storage. So when I told her I thought I’d read “Witch
World” for my WOGF challenge, we took a trip to our storage unit, opened about
six boxes of books until she found it, as well as the next three books in the

Sounds kind of standard fantasy, no? Well, yes and no. This book was published in 1963. In fact, the copy I have from my
mother-in-law has no reprinting listed, the cover is tattered, and the pages
are deep sepia. The significance of this
is that it comes from very early in genre literature. While it seems like standard fantasy now, it
wasn’t quite so standard fifty years ago.
And throwing a little SF into the mix is, I think, that much more
surprising for this period.
When I began reading this book, I had a hard time following
it. I partly blame the tiny font size in
this ancient paperback. Besides the
density of the text, writing style is quite dense. I often found myself getting tired and losing
focus. After finishing, I decided I
needed a second read before I could review it.
Upon my second read, it fell into place. The prose is gorgeous. For some reason, while reading, I could imagine
Norton pounding this out on her typewriter in a stereotypical black and white
movie about a writer. I have to remember
that this book is from the era of pulp SF and initial publication in
magazines. I think if she were writing
today, this initial story would have been quite a bit longer.
I liked Simon. I wish
I could have gotten more into his head.
His integration into his new environs was a little too straight
forward. I wanted to experience his
growth into his new life in this magical place.
I also really liked the setting, a fantasy in a middle ages-like place
with a touch of modern technology and a sprinkling of SF.
As much as I liked many of the parts of this book, as a
whole it left me a little “meh.” It felt
like something was missing, that the parts were greater than the whole. My sense is that it’s because this comes from
the Amazing Stories era, and was conceived with an episodic, long-term
sensibility. I also realize that
Norton’s work is considered juvenile fiction.
I give this book three stars just because it feels like something is
missing. But I’m really intrigued by the
rest of the series and would love to see how all the mysteries begun in this
book eventually play out. I would just
like to spend more time in Simon’s head.
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