Dan Simmons
Completed 11/5/2013, Reviewed 11/5/2013
4 stars

The basic premise is that a group of seven people are invited
on a pilgrimage to ancient relics of unknown origin on the planet
Hyperion. To deal with the boredom and
uneasiness of the trip, they tell the stories of their experiences with the
planet, its paradoxical relics, or the enigmatic and violent god known as the
The stories are diverse and fun. My favorite story was the one told by the
priest on the pilgrimage. As is evident
through my reviews, I have a fondness for theological SF. The priest’s story, as well as the references
to the cult of the Shrike in the other stories, was right up my alley. The other stories are great too. Each one is told from a very different
cultural perspective. Besides the
priest, there’s the soldier, the poet, the “Wandering Jew,” the PI, and the
consul. My followers will also know I
don’t care for military SF and cyberpunk.
But here, they add to the discovery of the awesome universe that Simmons
I think this is the first Hugo winner I’ve read which could
be considered a horror novel. Despite being
prone to bad dreams, I love a good horror novel. The Shrike is a terrible creature,
reminiscent of some of Clive Barker’s creations. We don’t exactly know what it is, god, demon,
or just some terrifying alien. It seems
so powerful, and leaves such fear and destruction in its wake, that a
galaxy-wide cult of the Shrike has emerged throughout the galaxy and has
significant influence on the Hegemony, the central power comprising the
majority of the planets and the virtual network between them. To complicate matters, Hyperion is becoming
the focal point of a military confrontation between the Hegemony and a band of
separatists called the Ousters. This
combination of terror and war is driving away most of the population of the
planet and creates a profound atmosphere of suspense.
My only disappointment with the book was that it was not
exactly a self-contained story.
“Hyperion” is the first in a series of four books in “The Hyperion
Cantos.” This book stops after the
stories are told, but before the pilgrims meet the Shrike. I assume the confrontation occurs in the next
book. However, unlike other book which
were part of a series and just ended without resolution, like Cherryh’s “Cyteen,”
I didn’t mind that the climax occurs in the next volume. The collection of stories and their role in unveiling
Simmon’s universe created an extremely satisfying read.
I gave this book 4 stars.
It has great prose and great character development. It is a horror story within a SF framework,
told in a format that kept me turning the pages with anticipation. It is one of the few Hugo winners that made
me want to read the sequel.
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