J.R.R. Tolkien
Completed 3/3/28/2015, Reviewed 3/30/2015
5 stars
It seems like I’m handing 5 stars out of 5 for all of
Tolkien’s works these days. In my
defense, I think I’m just in “Tolkien Mode”.
Everything I’m reading by him seems magical and alive. The pieces in this diverse collection of his
works simply feed into that. This book
contains an essay, a play, a novella, a short story, and a collection of
poems. Let’s start with the fiction.

“Farmer Giles of Ham” is a wonderful little story about a
non-descript farmer who is thrust into the limelight by accidently fending off
a giant wrecking the village. Praised by
his neighbors and even the king, he ends up conscripted to fight a dragon who
also comes a-rampaging. It’s another
story about unexpected bravery and growth against overwhelming odds, a la “The
“The Adventures of Tom Bombadil” is a collection of poems
about Tom Bombadil and other Middle-Earth lore.
I’m not much of a poetry appreciator and initially had trouble comprehending
the poems. I decided to read them aloud,
and it made a big difference. I got the
point of the poems, the humor, the horror, the gallantry, the irony. “Cat” was one of my favorites. It was simply fun. “The Sea Bell” and “The Last Ship” nearly
made me cry. They made a great end to
the whole book.
“The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorththelm’s Son” is play and
a poem based on an old epic poem of an English battle. The two characters are searching the dead from
a battle for the body of Beorhtnoth. It’s
very short. At first, I didn’t know what
to think of it. Again, me + poetry = I
don’t get it. But upon reflection, it
seemed to be a statement of war and heroism in a macabre little package. Then I realized it left me quite
uncomfortable and quite aware of the tragedy that war is.
The last piece to mention is the essay “On Fairy
Stories”. It’s a wonderful discussion of
Tolkien’s view of fantasy. He shows that
the fairy story is art, answering his detractors, and should be valued as a
very high form of it. He discusses the
difference between fantasy and the stories about the world of Faerie, and the
transformative power of it. It’s a bit
long, and sometimes academic papers can be a bit dry, but it is also often
amusing, and provides a glimpse into his mind.
It made me more interested in reading his collection of letters.
I have to say I didn’t think I would enjoy this collection,
as I wasn’t sure I’d be interested in anything outside Middle-Earth. This book showed me that I really appreciate
his writing in general. It’s very warm
and welcoming, even his essay. I’m
hoping that when I get to the rest of Tolkien’s posthumous work, I’ll rate something
below a five, just to demonstrate that I haven’t lost all my critical edge and just
simply worship him.
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