Katherine V.
Completed 6/23/2019,
Reviewed 6/23/2019
4 stars
This book is
a wonderful conclusion to the trilogy which began strongly in Daughters of a Coral Dawn and continued weakly in Daughters of an Amber Noon. Like the first, it is written from several
voices’ perspectives, weaving a complete narrative that is active rather than
expositional, which was my biggest problem with the second book. The theme is that the best intentions can
have unintended consequences, as the women’s utopia created on the planet Maternas
gets thrown for a loop by the very odd behavior of its younger
generations. It brings in Gaia theory,
that is, the theory that a planet is a self-regulating, complex system where
living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings to maintain and
perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet. The introduction of the Unity, the now ten
thousand women who settled on Maternas from Earth, has tipped the balance of Maternas
and the planet is now fighting back.
This book won the Lambda Literary Award for Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror
in 2006, and I think it was very deserving.

narration this time is by Minerva, Olympia, and Joss. There is no third person narrative line. It works a lot better. As I mentioned before, this book doesn’t rely
as much on exposition, only in the beginning at the council where they catch
the travelers up on what they’ve missed. The voices of the narrators are much clearer
this time as well. Whereas in the second
book it almost seemed like the author was popping up saying, “Now I’m Joss” and
“Now I’m Africa”, the narrators here are much more distinctive and the
characters are much more developed.
I’ve read
some reviews where the readers thought that the book was kind of campy, but I
didn’t find it exaggerated or over-the-top.
Sure, the strange children trope can get kind of campy and has been done
may times, but I found it to be exciting and wonderfully weird.
It also
seems that the author kind of does a one-eighty on the separatist theme. I really can’t go into too much detail
because that would be a spoiler. But
suffice it to say that she perhaps has grown a bit since the publication of the
original book and has become more of an inclusivist rather than an exclusivist.
I give this
book four out of five stars. It was a
short book, under two hundred pages. Except
for the fact that I had to sleep, I could barely put it down, reading it in two
days. I’m glad I read the whole trilogy. Even though this book begins with a rundown of
the basic facts from the first two books, it doesn’t begin to give you the
experience that I had reading them.
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