L.A. Witt
Completed 6/15/2018, Reviewed 6/17/2018
4 stars
Normally, “shifter” stories are about people who can shift
form into other creatures, like werewolves.
In this book, a shifter is someone who changes gender at will. It’s part of their DNA to be able to change
gender. Some prefer to be a man most of
the time, others a woman, and some are 50-50.
This book borrows from the transgender experience, illustrating the
difficulty in switching gender to conform with inner identity.

This book is short, just over 200 pages and is a real page
turner. The basic plot of the book is about
whether Alex can get the implant removed.
But the real thrust of the novel deals with Damon’s coming to grips with
Alex as a man when he’s only known him as a woman. The book is told in alternating point of
view, between Alex and Damon. It’s done
really well and lets us get to know Damon through his questioning his own
sexual and emotional identity and Alex’s struggle with not being able to change
genders when his inner identity changes as well as his guilt for not telling
Damon sooner that he is a shifter.
Static is remarkable in that it heartbreakingly captures the
issues and prejudices the trans community faces, including parents, religion, lovers,
and the workplace. Witt did a lot of
research into issues and she it really shows in how the characters develop and
interact. She even includes struggling
with alcohol, an issue that is very prevalent in the LGBTQ community.
This book was nominated for a slew of LGBTQ awards,
including two Lambda Literary Awards, for Transgender Fiction and for
SF/Fantasy/Horror. I think it’s well
deserving of the acclaim. It takes the
shifting genre in a new direction and makes it enthralling. I give this book four out of five stars.
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