Octavia Butler
Completed 5/2/2018, Reviewed 5/2/2018
5 stars
This book was outstanding.
It’s the continuation of the story from Parable of the Sower and it does
not fail. It’s still depressing as hell
but has a somewhat happy ending. What
amazed me the most was how relevant the story is to today’s times. If Butler were alive today, I bet she would
have amazed herself at how accurate a future she predicted. Sure, some of the extreme plot points haven’t
happened, yet, but it’s a scary enough parallel to what’s happening today to
make one think twice about the consequences of their political actions.

To add a twist to the narration, Butler introduces text by
Olamina’s daughter, Larkin. The format of
the book is commentary by Larkin followed by Olamina’s journals. In addition, there are a few other texts by
Olamina’s husband and one of her brothers.
This mixes it up enough to give you different perspectives of the events
that happen to Acorn. It added some hope
to the otherwise dark situation Olamina was in.
The plot is stupendous.
It turns the belief that it could never happen here on its head. When we look around at what’s happening today
in the US, seeing the rise of white supremacists and the president calling them
good people, it makes you wonder just how far we are from what Butler
describes. Me being the general pessimist,
I see us heading in this direction now if things don’t change.
If there’s one fault of the book, I’d say it’s that there are
too many other characters, that is, the people of Acorn. I kept most of them pretty clear in my head
with the first book, but I could only keep a few really clear this time. But I guess that’s what happens when the
narrator is first person and the community has over sixty members. I’m just glad I read it rather quickly after
the first book.
This book is not for the faint of heart. It’s a brutal future that Butler depicts and at
times the only hope is that you know that Larkin survives. Still I think it’s a great book that’s really
well written. I give it five out of five
stars because I had a lump in my throat through the majority of the middle and again
at the end.
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