Andrew Pyper
Completed 9/7/2015, Reviewed 9/8/2015
4 stars
I’ve always liked horror even though it gives me nightmares
rather easily. “The Exorcist” scared me
so badly I hid the book in a closet until I had the courage to take it out and
get rid of it. I’ve read a lot of
Stephen King and Clive Barker, among others, trying to re-experience having a
book scare me that much. When I saw the
title for this book, it pulled me in.
With possessed people, disappearing children, and talking dead, this
certainly seemed to fit the bill. Well,
it’s not “The Exorcist”, but it’s still pretty scary, and a darn well written

Sounds like a great promo for a movie. Well, it’s supposedly under development. But the first thing you think when you hear
this is how will it be made into a film.
Most of the terror is psychological.
Yes, bad and scary things happen, but most of the terror that happens
takes place in David’s head and his head alone.
That’s where it gets you. Is he
sane or insane? Is this happening
because of tragedy in his childhood? Is
it because he and his daughter are “melancholy” souls? That’s what really makes this book great and
it makes you wonder if any of that can be captured on film.
Like all flawed characters, David tries to do this
alone. Told in first person present, it
creates an immediacy to his fears and feelings through this ordeal, increasing
the tension and anticipation of the climax.
By the way, this book was nominated for a Shirley Jackson award, for
novels with psychological horror. It
totally deserves it.
It’s tough to go too far into this book because it is quite
short. Expounding on characterization
and plot gives too much of a spoiler. And
sometimes I can’t exactly explain why I like a book. I just liked it. It scared me.
The important thing to take away from the review is that David gets into
your head, and as flawed as his thinking may be throughout his journey, you’re
right there with him, debating the reality of the demons he only ever believed
in as a literary device, and coming to grip with the examples of their reality
all around him. I give this book four
stars out of five. It didn’t keep me up
nights, but it gave me enough chills to know this is a well written romp
through one of my favorite genres.
I used to read a lot of horror novels when I was younger. Not so many these days. I am doing a personal 'All Hallow's Read' this month and have chosen to read Richard Matheson's 'Hell House'. I want to see if a book can still scare me. I'm limiting my reading of it until after sunset as well as just before going to sleep.
ReplyDeleteI've never read 'The Exorcist', but have heard it is terrifying. Do you have a top 3 of Horror stories?
I haven't read a lot of horror, actually. I've read some, and I think the scariest were "The Exorcist" and King's "Pet Sematary". Both kept me up nights. I really like Clive Barker as well. "Sacrament" was my favorite of his.