Wednesday, February 18, 2015

LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring

JRR Tolkien
Completed 2/16/2015, Reviewed 2/17/2015
5 stars

This is my fourth reading of The Lord of the Rings.  This is perhaps the most challenging.  Let me begin by saying I love the Peter Jackson films.  Despite the omissions and liberties he took, I thought he did a tremendous job capturing the essence of the films.  In fact, I just recently finished a day-long marathon of the Blu-Ray extended edition, from about 11 a.m. to almost 1 a.m.  My last reading of LOTR was back around ’83, so my memory of the details are not very sharp, and I’ve been able to watch the films without saying, “But what about…?” every few minutes.  Now in anticipation of reading the books with the imagery of the films in my head, I wasn’t sure how I’d be able to appreciate the books as I had during my first readings.  Fortunately, I didn’t have a problem.  Instead, my mind went back to my own images I remember from all those years ago, peppered with the art of the Brothers Hildebrandt’s Tolkien calendars of the ‘70s.  And my experience of the actual reading has been more of a “Oooh, I remember that!” and “I don’t remember that!” and finally a “Why am I not one of those people who rereads this every year!”

The story centers on Frodo Baggins, a hobbit from the Shire in Middle Earth.  He inherits a magic ring from his uncle, Bilbo, who stole it from a creepy creature named Gollum in “The Hobbit”.  Gandalf the Grey, a wizard and great friend of hobbits, concludes that the ring is the one Ring of power, belonging to Sauron, the Dark Lord.  Realizing that Frodo is less subject to the seducing evil of the Ring than he himself, Gandalf sends Frodo with the Ring to Rivendell, home of Elrond and a community of Elves to discern what to do with it.  At Rivendell, a grand council decides the ring must be destroyed in the volcano in Mordor.  Frodo volunteers for the task, along with Gandalf, three other hobbits, two men, an elf, and a dwarf.  But the fellowship is doomed, leaving the future of Frodo and the Ring, as well as the whole of Middle Earth in question.

Tolkien’s prose is really lush without being pretentious.  I was quite amazed at how detailed his landscapes are, describing what we can see from all four directions.  Being a bit directionally impaired (just take a drive with me on windy roads), I often got turned around with what I should be seeing where.  But by the end, I felt like I had successfully merged the map of Middle Earth with the descriptions pretty well.  I have to say that speaks a lot to the prose.

I couldn’t find much fault in the book.  I do have a few complaints, as usual, but they are pretty nit-picky.  I was first struck by how much Fellowship relies on exposition.  Perhaps I am more accustomed to modern fantasy narratives that follow multiple characters contemporaneously, much like the films, and films in general do.  I actually didn’t mind the regressions though.  Tolkien tells stories, and the exposition scenes allow Tolkien to tell stories within the story, and the exercise provides us with a better sense of the major characters as they recount events through their point of view. 

Another point that bothered me had to do with some of the characterization.  I didn’t feel the tension between Gimli and Legolas at the beginning of the fellowship.  When they become best buds after leaving Lothlorien, I felt like I missed where they were less than friendly towards each other.  The seduction of Boromir by the Ring also left a little to be desired.  It seems like we get to see it briefly at the Council of Elrond, but we don’t see its progression.  When he tries to take the Ring from Frodo, it seems a little out of the blue, and the only reference to Boromir’s change is Sam saying that he’s been a bit queer lately.  As a counterpoint, Aragorn has a much stronger presence.  At times he despairs and is even self-deprecating; other times, he bears the kingly confidence that is his destiny.  But at this point in the book, Aragorn is a major character, whereas Gimli, Legolas, and Boromir have supporting roles.  Still, I think I would have like to have seen a little more out of them.

Lastly, I cringe at Tolkien’s use of adverbs.  Having taken a creative writing class, being exposed to people learning technique, and reading a lot of more literary novels has made me hyper-aware of their use.  While not Tom Swifties (“I’m thirsty,” said Tom dryly), it still raises my hackles.  It makes me wonder about older writing, if sprinkling adverbs through your verse was less problematic than it is now.  While I’ve read a lot of literature, I have not read much classic literature, something I hope to slowly correct.  So I don’t have much to compare against.  Contextless, I suppress my gag reflex and push on.

Despite these issues, reading Fellowship has been a calmly-paced respite from the realities of daily life.  I just love reading it.  I love the characters, particularly Galadriel.  It never feels pretentious, difficult, or terse.  Perhaps I can’t honestly review any of the books in the trilogy because I was so obsessed with it as a teen (I even gave myself and some of my friends LOTR-based names.  Mine was Frodo Muffinbuck).  Perhaps having an Alan Lee illustrated, glossy-paged, oversized hardbound edition adds a pleasure I may not have had with a mass market paperback edition.  Whatever it is, it makes me love this story even more.  Of all the great fantasy books I have read over my life, there’s nothing like LOTR.  Five out of five stars. 

As a post-script, I do want to mention, for readers of this blog who may not know, “The Lord of the Rings” is a single book.  The breaking up of it into a trilogy was forced upon Tolkien by the publisher.  So rating Fellowship by itself feels a little odd, almost sacrilegious.  I remember from my first reading feeling that “The Two Towers” lagged a bit, like many second books in fantasy and SF series these days.  I remember giving it three out of four in high school (yes, I was rating books back then too).  I’m about forty pages in now, and it doesn’t feel that way yet.  It feels like I really am reading just one book in three, easy-to-hold containers.  I think I’ll be able to keep this perspective because rereading it at this point in my life…well, just feels right.  


  1. If it weren't for the ring-like seduction of contemporary releases and the equally powerful desire to make my way through classic works of science fiction that I did not get to in my younger years, The Lord of the Rings is a book that I could easily see myself reading every year. Had I taken the opportunity to read them back when I was a pre-teen/teen, I no doubt would have because in those years I was a devoted re-reader. I would often close the pages of a book at the end only to begin it again immediately.

    I didn't finally get around to reading Tolkien until right before the theatrical release of Fellowship of the Ring. I read The Hobbit, as I wanted to have that background, and then did not pick up the other books until after seeing The Return of the King as I wanted to remain (and thankfully did) spoiler-free.

    I adore the extended editions of these films, and all the extras that accompany them. I passionately re-watch the extras and the films every year, sometimes multiple times. And every year I manage to read either some Tolkien, or something Tolkien-related, though I have only read the book cover to cover 2+ times (the plus comes from the fact that I am currently reading Fellowship aloud to my wife).

    At any rate, I love having the movie images, particularly the landscapes of New Zealand, in my head as I read these. I feel that each "version" of Frodo's tale complements the other and while I too have small quibbles about things I would see changed in the books and films, they are miniscule in comparison to my great love of Tolkien's creation and Jackson's interpretation of it.

    Funny what you mention about your remembrances of Two Towers and how you currently feel about it. The first time I read the story, I felt the beginning of Fellowship was excruciating, and loved the other two sections. The second time, I was so hooked from the beginning of Fellowship and wondered what in the world was wrong with me that first time. I hung on every word.

    It is fun to be introducing this to my wife given that her only experience with it is the films, which she too loves. She is enjoying seeing how things are different and how they are fleshed out in ways that can't be done with a film, no matter how long it is.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Carl. Speaking of New Zealand, my mother-in-law is taking a quilting cruise to Australia and NZ this spring. One of the day trips she signed up for is the Hobbiton set. I am so jealous! If I had the cash and could afford a month off, I would have gone with her.

  3. I'm jealous of her as well. I would love to go there. They have an annual marathon/half marathon there in February, I believe, that I would love to go do one of these days as part of a long vacation there. Need to start saving my pennies.
